Hearth Focus…


keep the home fires burning

Hearth Focus . . . Surviving to Thriving

Family or current community – creating a heartwarming thanks and giving.

Doesn’t Trudie come up with some of the best ideas for tea parties?  I love these once a month gatherings.  There’s no pressure and there’s always this wonderful uplifting, supportive spirit with other women who “get” the journey you’re on because they’re taking it too.  Off to Antiquiteas to rejuvenate!

I’m particularly interested in this month’s theme as we’re headed to the relatives’ for Thanksgiving and I’m a little nervous.  Yes, I’m juvenile enough to want these experiences to look and feel like Hallmark commercials and they’re probably more closely related to episodes of “The Family Guy” or “The Simpsons!”  Nevertheless, hope rises.

I completely get the line from that song about how your “standard of living got stuck on survive.”  That’s NOT what I want for my life or the lives of those I love.  So moving from surviving to thriving?  Yeah, I’m ready!




Filed under Family, Thanksgiving

3 responses to “Hearth Focus…

  1. Not sure if I thriving or surviving. A little of each in different areas….surviving my house remodel, thriving in….well I thought I was thriving in something….ok water drinking this week and eating less junk…..I want to believe

  2. It was great, absolutely great, sharing laughter and a tea pot with you, Jenny. Yes, Trudie does come up with the best ideas for tea parties. And don’t you just love her craft ideas, too? So we’re blogosphere neighbors, almost birthday twins, and big fans of Trudie and her Living Six Graces workshops. Love the new friendship and monthly community gathering. And … good luck with your holiday!!!

  3. I can’t find your email address, but wanted to share the link to the amazing miniature foods on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_sk/
    If you like miniatures, you’ll be good for several hours, browsing her amazing work. Truly outstanding.

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